Years ago I received a truly ugly personalized Christmas stocking kit. I put quite a bit of thought into what to put on the stocking. When I finally decided, I was delighted that the kit contained all of the letters necessary to spell out Sarey Sarey Quite Contrary. “Sarey” is an old nickname from my dad. I don’t remember if the “contrary” label came from a teacher or my mom. It may have been both.
After more than a year of posting to Is It Monday Already?, I am ready to change things up a bit. Although I still plan to post regularly, it may be more or less often than once per week, and not necessarily on Monday. And as of Wednesday, the title of my weblog will change to Sarey Sarey Quite Contrary.
Meanwhile, I am also starting a Blipfoto journal, One Four Three. One of my goals for 2014 is to become more familiar with the features of my Canon t3i camera and take more creative photos.
Happy New Year!
And everything old is new again! See you online on Monday or Wednesday or whenever!