I have been hooked on digital photography ever since I bought my first 640×480 camera back in the day. It’s unbelievable to me how far digital photography has progressed since then, and how fast. My current camera is 18 megapixels and it’s quickly becoming antiquated.
When I think back to the film cameras of my youth, I remember having to keep in mind the cost of the film and processing, and having to limit my shots and hope for the best. Sure some turned out really well, but there were also a lot of closed-eye disappointments. Shots were also limited to documentation for the most part – pictures of vacations and milestone events.
Because of this, one of the things I appreciate most about digital photography is taking as many shots as I would like to capture the best image that I am able. Being able to preview shots is a huge benefit. Then I can pick out the best of the bunch and delete the rest.
Not all shots turn out well, but sometimes even mistakes turn out interesting.

As I have moved on from a point and shoot to a digital single-lens reflex camera, I have also been bitten by the bug to move beyond documentation into more artsy shots. I still have much to learn. I have lots of interests – landscapes, flowers, animals, travel, events, family and friends. I hope to post more about each of those subjects in future entries.
Generally I tend to stay fairly focused on the subject at hand, be it family members or a particular subject, but every once in a while I manage to capture a shot of a random stranger that I find fascinating, and will share a few of those here.

Great shots, Sara! Keep going and growing! Thanks for sharing!