I’ve used the Festisite Text Layout feature a couple of times, both times so focused on my outcome that I didn’t pay attention to what else the site offers. Last week when I revisited the site after mentioning that I had utilized it to design a pendant for my mom’s birthday, I took some time to poke around.
Just within Text Layout there are lots of fun options. I’ve used the Valentine heart and the waves, but there are also Banner, Maze, Rebus and Spiral options. The Rebus feature is a little sort of unbearably lame, but the others have merit.
But wait! There’s more! You can upload a picture to be featured on a playing card. Like this:
And a bunch of customizable logos, like this:
Or money:

But as a wordsmith, I most enjoyed the random poetry generator. I entered Phil as the name of my beloved, and a kiss as the optional gift. There were options to adjust the lines. I couldn’t help myself; I had to tweak. Here is the result of our collaboration:
This is really, really bad cringe-worthy poetry. Reach and siege, really? Awkward sentence structure . . . erratic meter . . . passive voice — even so, I like it. Maybe even enough to enter it in the Heart Text Layout for next Valentine’s Day. Shhhh, don’t tell Phil.