Artists Helping Artists, a wonderful community organization that encourages artists of all types to express their creativity, meets every week at Faith Lutheran Church. Late last year, the group initiated a series of public exhibits in the main stairwell at Faith, an airy space with lots of natural light. The first exhibit, in October/November 2021, featured paintings by local artists Caryl Collier and Jan Sonnenberg.
I was thrilled to be asked to assemble a photography exhibit for the next timeframe, December 2021 – January 2022. I decided to feature my favorite images from a Tanzania safari taken in February 2019. I also chose to mount the photos in reclaimed vintage frames (this will be the topic of a future post).
By the time this weblog is posted, the exhibit will be nearly over. Next time I will be more proactive about announcing the exhibit in time to see it in person, but showing the chosen images will have to suffice for this one.
Upper Level (Choir Loft)
A group of elephants frolicking at dusk.
The ever-popular “roaring” lion cub, who is actually yawning.
Upper Landing
Another crowd favorite, I often use this image for wedding cards.
Adorable mother and baby monkey.
Main Level (Sanctuary)
Two young bull elephants skirmishing at dusk.
Lovely zebra with some nice tail switching action.
Lower Landing
My favorite safari image — I still feel the exhilaration of locking eyes with this regal lioness.
The tour guides gave me the nickname of “Mama Twiga” due to my love of giraffes. This shot showcases the symbiotic relationship with ox-pecker birds.
Lower Level (Fellowship Hall)
This elephant was kind enough to pose with an ubiquitous acacia tree.
These young male zebras are competing for the attention of the female. They engaged up and down the flamingo-laden coastline for quite a while.
Please feel free to contact me for more information about Artists Helping Artists, Jefferson City Photo Club, or M&M Photo Tours.